Thursday, August 13, 2009

On the Move

So I know its been forever since I've updated, but that's because we are moving this weekend and I have been SUPER busy getting everything ready and packed and finding a house, etc. I still don't have much time, but wanted to add a few cute pics. Will update more later after we get settled into the new house!
Watching TV in her jumper

Playing in the laundry

Big girl in her Bumbo seatOh yeah, I should probably let you know that O is eating solid foods now, well, as solid as pureed fruits and veggies are. So far she likes: bananas, apples, pears and her favorite is sweet potatoes! She does NOT like: avocado, peas or banana squash, however I am gonna keep working on those.

She also started sitting up on her own for about a half a min to a min at a time. She does the tripod thing and uses her hands for balance and she falls over quite frequently, but she is growing up so fast! It's incredible!

I just love her more than I know how to say. She is the best thing that I have ever done.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Its been awhile

Sorry its been so long, I just feel like I have a million other things to do each day so I tend to neglect this. But I have been saving up some fun pics and vids.

On Sunday, O had her second photo shoot with the wonderful Danielle Daigle. For anyone who is looking for a photographer, I highly recommend her. We did lots of fun pics, some of her in a giant teacup, bathtime, with mommy and daddy, with grandma mary and we had lots of wardrobe changes. My little model was a real trooper. It will take a few weeks to get the photos back, but here are a few I shot on my camera while we were waiting - she has really chunked up lately. Look at those boobies!

I also made her hair bow, along with a few extras. I never realized I had a crafty bone in my body.

Today, was her 4 month checkup at the pediatrician. She is doing perfectly. Her new stats are: 14 lbs 2 oz, 24 3/4 inches long and 41 3/4 cm head circumference. That puts her aat bout 70%, 70% and 50% respectively among babies her age. She had to get FOUR shots, two in each leg and a liquid oral vaccine. Poor thing. She cried and cried and calmed down with her bink (pacifier) but had a fussy afternoon. She wanted nothing to do with me all day but cheered up the minute daddy walked in the door and just started smiling and cooing at him. Figures, daddy's girl already.

She also started eating rice cereal this week. I have some fun photos and video of that. Its organic brown rice cereal mixed with breast milk.

Ready for cereal mommy!

That's right - her mommy rocks

Watch how she bites down on that spoon!

And for giggles, here is O in her jumper today

Monday, July 13, 2009

So Advanced

Since the last update, we have had a doctor's visit (on mommy's birthday), sleeping through the night and her first bath with a friend (a boy!!!!)

On Friday it was my birthday - yay! Although honestly, its just not the same with a baby. O must have forgotten it was my bday because she woke up bright and early and didn't let me sleep in. Then she decided to give me an extra special birthday present and delivered the Day of the Scary Poo. NOTE: If you are squeamish, I suggest you stop reading this paragraph and skip to the next one. She pooped all morning and then around noon actually pooped something that caused me to call the doc, and I never do that. It was pretty gross actually, like snot with blood. I saved it, and they asked us to come in. The doc looked at her and the diaper - ew - and decided that she couldn't really tell what was wrong with O. She wasn't running a fever, wasn't acting sick and had no other symptoms. So we left knowing nothing but being told to keep an eye on her. However, we did get some super exciting news, well, at least its exciting to mommy.

Her doc said that O was acting more like a 5 or 6 month old than her actual age of just under 4 months. She said she should not be rolling over like she was already (she was attempting to roll off the table in there) and that she was very social and talkative for her age (she got it from her mama). So in other words, she is "SO advanced". I like to think that it comes from mine and Chris's awesome genes and my staying home with her to interact and play with her rather than leaving her in a daycare crib all day. O was so excited about the great news of her development that she peed ALL over the doc's table - wasn't that nice? In better news, there has been no recurrence of Day of the Scary Poo since Friday and I'm hoping it stays that way.

On Saturday and Sunday night, O slept from 7 until 4:30 or 5 am!!!! Its a new record, and amazing and makes me VERY happy. Let's knock on lotsa wood and hope that I haven't jinxed myself.

Today, O got a visit from her little boyfriend Anthony. She was in a bad mood until she saw him, then her face lit up and she gave him a very flirtatious smile. I think she's already figured out how to get men to give her what she wants - she's got daddy wrapped around her finger. Anthony gave her an impromptu puppet show which elicited full-scale laughter from O. Please see video evidence below:

O wanted to show Anthony her awesome new jumper. She's still a little small in it, but she likes to push on the toys and make them light up and every once in a while she pushes herself off the ground, although I don't think she has any idea what she is doing. While O was in the jumper, Ant decided that her do' was in need of some styling. His work is very secretive though and he does not like to be filmed.

After giggle-fest 2009 and salon-de-Anthony, we jumped in the pool because it is about 5 million degrees here in AZ. O wasn't a fan today, but I think its because she needed a nap. However, she did love her bath with Anthony that she got afterwards to clean off the sunscreen and chlorine. I have blackmail pictures for when they are teens yall:

And just because she is SO cute, here is a vid of her naked on the changing table, talking to me after her bath

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

She's a talker

Just for fun, I caught some vids of O "talking" today. She's still going at it now - I think she takes after her mom :) Whaddya think?

She's also gotten quite good at grabbing her toys

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fun in the Sun

So, for 4th of July, we were invited to go to Lake Pleasant for the morning and go on a pontoon boat. Being that it was free, we had no other plans, and it sounded like a whole lotta fun, we said yes! So O got her very first trip on a boat and her very first outing in water other than a bath or pool.
We went out at 9 am, but it was already HOT! So, rather than making O wear her bathing suit, I just let her go nakey with a diaper - she likes going topless :) We brought her bouncer seat so she would have somewhere to sit, and it worked out pretty good.
On our way to the lake - all dressed up in her festive best!

Lounging on the lake with a cold one
I'm always the photographer - so there's finally a picture of me and O!
Aunt Davina and O's future boyfriend Anthony (he already kisses her feet - literally!)

Look at all that curly hair! (not daddy's chest hair folks!) :)

We finished up around 12:30, because the kiddos probably couldn't handle much more than that, and finished celebrating at our house in the pool. No fireworks for us this year, O is an early pumpkin and goes to bed at 6:30-7, plus the noise probably would have scared her.

Today we went to our non-walker playdate, which is just SO fun! She got dressed up in her new dress, and I got to put a ponytail on top of her head. I cannot believe that my 3 1/2 month old daughter has enough hair for a ponytail. I didn't leave it in because I was afraid it would hurt her, but got a few cute pics of it.

Before we left, I left O on her Baby Einstein play mat because she now likes to play with the toys that hang above her. She was on her back playing, I left the room for a few minutes to finish packing her diaper bag, and when I got back, she was on her tummy, in a different area of the mat! She rolled over from back to tummy (the much harder rollover) and I missed it! She has also figured out how to spin her little body around as if she were positioned on a clock dial, she lays there and her legs can go from 12-o-clock to 6-o-clock in a matter of minutes. She is getting SO big!

When we got to the playdate, O got to see her friend Elliott who just spent the last 2 weeks in St. Martin (lucky girl). They were so excited to see each other that they held hands - ok, maybe we positioned them like that but its still super cute!

Best friends!

O is only 2 weeks older than Elliott - look at the chub difference! My kid has some rolls :)

Then she practiced holding her bottle - mommy can't wait for this one to be accomplished.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Just a really quick update to let everyone know that I passed the test for the WAH (work-at-home) position that I was working on last week and now have a job that I can do at home, on my own time when O is sleeping or otherwise occupied. Its only about 10-20 hours per week for now, but every little bit of money will help. If I were to work 20 hours/week for a month, I would make just about as much money as I would have made working full time at my old job after putting O in daycare, so this seems like a pretty good gig to me! I can't release any other info because I signed a NDA, but if there are any other SAH mommies that want the company info, let me know and I will send it to you.

Oh, and just because its funny. Here is a video of O taking a bath with daddy last night. I wanted to film her splashing because its to cute, and then she pops right out of the little part and into the big girl part that she's just not quite ready for. Good thing daddy was there to catch her!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Born in the USA

It's been awhile since I've updated - sorry, we have been a little busy.
On Saturday we went down to Tucson so that I could visit my dear friend Amber who was in town. O decided that she did NOT like traveling, and was fussy and crying pretty much the whole 2 days we were down there. On Sunday, I peeked in her mouth and discovered that she has her 2 bottom teeth coming in!

They are still under the skin, but I can see them which means that we are probably in for at least a few more weeks of fussy baby. As soon as we arrived back in Scottsdale, I ran to CVS to arm us with ammunition to fight the fussy teething baby: baby tylenol, teething tablets, 2 different teethers...
She slept better last night and has been catching up on her zzz's since then. Guess she just really loves her crib!

Today we went to an early 4th of July BBQ with one of my mommies groups. All of the babies dressed up in their patriotic best. O looked especially festive in her Nantucket dress from Grandma Marianna and her special bows from Yaya (my mom). Everyone thought she was adorable and she decided to show everyone how fussy she could be.

Here are some pictures of her cuteness. Tomorrow we are having family pool day with her new baby float! Will update with more pics then!

Olivia and her friend Garrett

Babies and Mommies

Look how cute I am!

Too much partying